Percentage of people living below the poverty line, using the Low Income Measure (after tax) in the Thunder Bay Census Metropolitan Area (CMA) (2022)
11% Measured: 2020 Source: Statistics Canada. 2017. 9Cost of transportation: Monthly Bus Pass (2022)
$77.50 Measured: 2022 Source: Thunder Bay Transit. (2022). 27Approximate number of people living under the poverty line (using the Low Income Measure) in the Thunder Bay CMA 6 (2022)
13,340 Measured: 2020 Source: Statistics Canada. 2017. 10Monthly cost of a nutritious food basket for a family of four (2022)
$949 Measured: 2021 Source: Thunder Bay District Health Unit (2021) 28Median total annual family income (after tax) of all low income family types in Thunder Bay (2022)
18,850 Measured: 2020 Source: Statistics Canada. Table 11-10-0020-01 After-tax low income status of census families based on Census Family Low Income Measure (CFLIM-AT), by family type and family composition – Thunder Bay 11Number of food banks (2022)
22 Measured: 2021 Source: Carlin, Brendan. (2022). Regional Food Distribution Association. Personal Communication. 29Unemployment rate in Thunder Bay CMA 8 (2022)
8.30% Measured: 2021 Source: North Superior Workforce Planning Board. (2022). Setting the Course: Navigating the North Superior Workforce 2022-2023, page 31. 12Average number of people accessing food banks per month (2022)
3260 Measured: 2021 Source: Carlin, Brendan. (2022). Regional Food Distribution Association. Personal Communication. 30Households in the Thunder Bay District who receive social assistance benefits (Ontario Works or Ontario Disability) (2022)
8392 Measured: 2020 Source: The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board. (2020). TBDSSAB Quarterly Operational Report, 4th quarter. 13Social housing vacancy rate in Thunder Bay (2022)
3.40% Measured: 2020 Source: The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board. (2020). TBDSSAB Quarterly Operational Report, 4th quarter. 14Active households on waitlist for social housing in Thunder Bay (2022)
756 Measured: 2020 Source: The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board. (2020). TBDSSAB Quarterly Operational Report, 4th quarter. 15Number of social housing units in Thunder Bay (2022)
4290 Measured: 2020 Source: The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board. (2020). TBDSSAB Quarterly Operational Report, 4th quarter. 16Number of people using emergency shelters in Thunder Bay – total unique individual stays (2022)
907 Measured: 2020 Source: The District of Thunder Bay Social Services Administration Board. (2020). TBDSSAB Annual Report. 17Homelessness count (new for 2022) (2022)
221 Measured: 2021 Source: Lakehead Social Planning Council. (2021). Point in Time Count. 18Percentage of citizens over 12 years old living with moderate to severe food insecurity in the Thunder Bay District health region (2022)
data unavailableShuniah Soil Mates Community Garden
Municipality of Shuniah
Since they opened with nine beds in 2016, Shuniah Soil Mates has grown to have 35 active vegetable garden beds.
Locally-Grown Seeds
Superior Seed Producers
A collective of local Thunder Bay area growers who promote the saving and distribution of locally adapted, sustainably grown, open-pollinated non-GMO seeds
Field of Greens
Salvation Army Journey to Life Centre
A community garden that helps people to develop their gardening and kitchen skills and make connections with the community