by weaver | Jan 4, 2023 | 2022 Report, Highlight
The partnership has let the two farms tackle problem-solving together and give each other much-needed social support during pandemic social distancing.
by weaver | Jan 4, 2023 | 2022 Report, Highlight
Affordable farmland prices made Thunder Bay an attractive option to explore but it was the welcome they received from the farm community that made them decide to make their home here.
by weaver | Jan 4, 2023 | 2022 Report, Highlight
Thunder Bay Community Pastures received a grant of $90,000 from the Federal and Provincial governments in 2021 to create a rotational grazing system through the installation of new interior fencing and gating.
by weaver | Jan 4, 2023 | 2022 Report, Analysis
The Thunder Bay Area encompasses the City of Thunder Bay and its surrounding municipalities. Its landscape includes the shore of Lake Superior, swaths of Boreal Forest and rocky Canadian Shield as well as deposits of rich soils in the lower-lying river valleys which...
by weaver | Jun 13, 2022 | Context
AlfalfaApplesAsparagusBarleyBeefBeetsBlueberriesBroccoliCabbageCanolaCarrotsCauliflowerCorn CucumbersGarlicGreen beansGreen peasHerbsKaleLambLeeksLettuceOatsOnionsPearsPeppers PorkPotatoesPumpkinsRaspberriesRutabagasSnap peasSoybeansSquash and...
by weaver | May 16, 2022 | 2015 Report, Highlight
Superior Seed Producers is a collective of local Thunder Bay Area growers who promote the saving and distribution of locally adapted, sustainably grown, open-pollinated non-GMO seeds in northwestern Ontario, while educating and supporting those who want to learn more...
by weaver | May 16, 2022 | 2015 Report, Highlight
The policy environment has become increasingly supportive of the agri-food sector in recent years. Changes in the Funding Landscape: A growing number of economic development organizations and granting bodies at the municipal, provincial, and federal levels of...
by weaver | May 16, 2022 | 2015 Report, Highlight
The Thunder Bay Beekeepers’ Association provides its members with a forum for sharing knowledge in beekeeping, and is dedicated to educating and promoting the benefits of beekeeping to the public. This past year they have been investigating techniques to reduce hive...
by weaver | May 12, 2022 | 2015 Report, Analysis
The Thunder Bay District features a variety of farms. The single largest use of farmland is crop production with 45,943 acres or 80% of land in 2011 being put to this use. The main field crops grown in the area are barley, wheat, oats, corn, soybeans, potatoes and hay...
by weaver | May 12, 2022 | Context
A significant conceptual change to the main statistical unit used by Statistics Canada’s Agriculture Statistics Program was introduced for the 2021 Census of Agriculture: a “farm” or an “agricultural holding” (i.e., the census farm) now refers to a unit that produces...
by weaver | May 12, 2022 | Context
Agriculture is an important part of our food system. Crops and livestock provide most of our calories and proteins while agriculture and related industries play a crucial role in the life of our economy. Nationally, the food and farming sector accounts for 8% of the...
by weaver | May 12, 2022 | 2022 Report, References
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. (2013). An Overview Of The Canadian Agriculture And Agri-Food System 2012. C. Schwartz-Mendez, Thunder Bay District Health Unit, February 18, 2014, Personal Communication. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research....
by weaver | May 12, 2022 | 2015 Report, References
Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. (2013). An Overview Of The Canadian Agriculture And Agri-Food System 2012.C. Schwartz-Mendez, Thunder Bay District Health Unit, February 18, 2014, Personal Communication.Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research....